Wednesday March 26, 2025
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Cupar Housing Authority

Cupar Ambulance Inc.

Established in 1978 and serving Cupar and surrounding communities for over 30 years.

The Ambulance Service was initially staffed by volunteers. The service area got larger and changes were made to the Health District, as a result EMT's and EMR's now staff the EMS service.

In 2000 the operation of the EMS Service changed to full and part-time staffing from the volunteer base.  There are currently one EMT Advanced and two EMT Full-time positons.  A number of part-time and casual personnel rounding out the Duty crew.

The Unit (Ambulance) is a modern fully equiped unit to Intermediate Care Level.

Emergency Phone Number: 911

Cupar Lions Volunteer Ambulance
Box108 Donald Road
Cupar, Saskatchewan, Canada
S0G 0Y0

Office Phone: 1 306 723-4218


Library Hours:
Wednesday 10:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.
Friday 10:30 A.M. to 5:00 P.M.

Address: Legion Hall 217 Stanley Street, Cupar, Sk. S0G 0Y0
Phone: 1 306-723-4749

(1) Offers free library cards to anyone 5 years of age and up.
(2) Offers a computerized system.
(3) Offers a computer for the public to use free of charge.
(4) Participates in the Young Canada Night Christmas Event.
(5) Services including book requests and searches are free.
(6) Employs 1 Librarian and 2 subsitute Librarians.
(7) A Library Board consisting of interested persons, who love to read, plan
     fundraisers and presentations to raise awareness of the library, the libraries
     materials and resources for all ages in the community.

Cupar Health Centre

Is located at the Cupar & District Nursing Home .

As a member of the Regina Health District, Cupar boasts a fully equipped Wellness Centre where residents are treated by physicians and registered nursing staff.


Services available are x-ray, laboratory, chiropractic, dietitian and social service.

Health Centre Phone: 1 306-723-4300
Medical Clinic Phone: 1 306-723-4343
Lab & X-Ray Dept. Phone: 1 306-723-4646

Cupar Health Centre
Box108 Stanley St.
Cupar, Saskatchewan, Canada
S0G 0Y0

Cupar Volunteer Fire Department

The Fire Department is equipped with a modern fire truck and equipment and is staffed with trained volunteers.

The department has an Inter-Municipal Government agreement to service the Rural Municipality of Cupar and Touchwood.

Fire Phone: 911

Cupar Fire Department
Box 397
Cupar, Saskatchewan, Canada
S0G 0Y0

Royal Canadian Mounted Police

Cupar and District is patrolled by the R.C.M.P. providing a safe environment to the community and area.

R.C.M.P. Phone: 1 306-726-5230

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